Sunday, March 22, 2009

nothin' new, but it's been a couple weeks

I have nothing exciting to report, but I hadn't updated in a while, so I thought I would check in! Everyone is over their illnesses (for now). Good thing, because we leave for Arizona on Tuesday. I can't wait!!! We are going to see my sister and visit the Grand Canyon. I've never seen it from the ground before. I wish my sister lived closer, I miss her so much!

Thank you to everyone who said a prayer for Chuck's dad. He was in the hospital last week with what sounds like a respiratory infection. He is home again and doing better. STAY WELL, Wendell!

Charlie is saying a couple words. He says "Yea", "More", "MaMa", "DaDa" and his babysitter said she heard "Kitty". I cannot verify this one, though :) He is getting so big. We went to the park yesterday. He loved the slide and he did okay on the swing until Chloe decided he needed to go high. He wasn't too happy with that.

As for Chloe, She got a Nintendo DS for her birthday and hasn't put it down yet. Actually, she had to put it down when it was taken away for running in the house. I had to show her this picture to better explain why we only walk in the house. Poor kid! Ouch!

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