Saturday, June 12, 2010

Race for a Cure

Chloe and I painted the town... pink!

Curt and Amy's annual BBQ

This picture was supposed to go at the end... but kept popping up at the beginning...The LEFT OVERS!!! We visited Amy a couple days later to help her finish off all her delicious food!
My tree-hugging daughter, entertaining herself

Charlie has your phone, Curt!


Our Mr. Host... Curt
Mrs. host... Amy (on the left)!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

CHLOE: Can I have something for desert?
CHARLIE: I want dirt, too!
MOMMY TO CHARLIE: You want dirt?!?

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Fantastic time in Chi-town

Off to Chicago... Grandma came in town on Saturday (despite crappy flights). We visited over Super Smokers BBQ and turned in early. We were on the road by 6:30 Sunday morning! JUST US GIRLS!As soon as we got to Chicago, we visited the Science Museum. Our favorite exhibit were the baby chicks.

This chickie is about 1 hour old
downtown Chicago

This is where we stayed
The Whitehall

American girl doll brunch, soooo cute!

Chloe had her face painted at the aquarium

We went to Navy Pier Tuesday morning. It was so foggy, you couldn't see much. by lunch, the fog had lifted and we enjoyed lunch overlooking the water.

Chloe loved the beach. She insisted the water was warm... she and I have very different ideas on the definition of warm.

Unfortunately, our trip had to come to an end :(

But can someone settle our dispute?
... is it pronounced Ch(eye)-town or Cheeee- town?