Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 'O Fun

On Sunday the 7th, Amy and I took Chloe, Paige and Peyton to Six Flags. The kids had a blast and wore the adults out! Chloe is now tall enough to ride all but 3 rides and loved the roller coasters. Her favorite 'dry land' ride was the Ninja and her favorite water park ride was the Tornado (AKA the toilet bowl). Unfortunately, I scraped my right knee on one of the water slides... that has yet to completely heal.
Then on Tuesday the 9th, Chloe and I visited Raging Rivers water park. This is really a fun little park for kids. It is kinda far away, but a really pretty drive up the river. While in the area, Chloe and talked a lot about Robert Wadlow. We then had to drive around until we found the Alton Giant statue. This statue depicts his actual height when last measured.
This weekend Chloe and I camped with the Girl Scouts at Camp Cedarlegde. We only had 4 girls attend this trip, so it was relatively easy for the leaders... until it came time to clean camp before we left. Nobody ever enjoys this chore, but it was especially unpleasant with only 4 girls to do all the work. They had a great time swimming, making t-shirts and canoeing... except Mommy tumbled down the hill on the way to the lake. Now my right knee is scraped up as well. Yes, I look / feel like I am 6 years old again. On a brighter note, there is no better smell than a camp fire!
Lastly, Chloe has now started 3rd grade. I can't believe how quickly my kids are growing up. It makes me a little sad, but I enjoy them so much at each age. I thank God for them every day!