Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Mommy / Daddy Quiz

Chloe's perspective:

1. What is mommy really good at? Playing games

Daddy? Playing Hide n Seek

2. What is Mommy not very good at? Driving Daddy's truck (true dat)

Daddy? Dancing

3. What is Mommy's favorite Food? Steak

Daddy? hamburgers

4. If mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Phineas (I'm a boy)

Dad? Blue from Blue's Clues (... and he's a girl?)

5. How are you and Mommy the similar? We both love chocolate

Daddy? We like to watch wrestling

6. How are you and Mommy different? I like to wear high heels

Daddy? I don't like football

7. What does Mom like the most about Dad? That he does stuff like vacuum the stairs

What does Dad like the most about Mom? That she comes right away when he calls her (are we in Saudi Arabia?!?)

8. What is Mom's favorite place? The mall

Dad? Costco

9. What makes Mommy happy? When I do something nice like make her a tea party

What makes Daddy happy? When I give him presents

10. What makes Mommy sad? When I get a 'yellow day'.

What makes Daddy sad? When Charlie is screaming.

11. What was Mommy like as a child? She LOVED Mickey Mouse

What was Daddy like? He played with Lincoln Logs

12. How old is Mommy? 23 (I knew I looked young!)

How old is Daddy? 34 (close)

13. How tall is Mommy? 16 Blocks

How tall is Daddy? 17 blocks

14. What is Mommy's favorite thing to do? Read books to me

What is daddy's favorite thing to do? Watch football

15. What does Mommy do when you are not around? laundry

What does Daddy do? watch movies

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