Sunday, November 09, 2008

Dr. Richard Ferber

We have got to do something to get Charlie to sleep all night... and stay in his bed! We started this mess by bringing him into our bed in the middle of the night because it was so much easier to nurse. I could fall back asleep andhe could take care of business as needed. Then it got to be habit. He then got to come into our bed to 'keep the peace'. We all slept better when there wasn't a piercing scream breaking the silence at night. Now my newest bed partner is going on 10 months. He still wakes up at night and can't fall back asleep without nursing. I have tried just using a pacifier- no go! Someone suggested I give him a bottle of water when he wakes up- apparently he was highly offended and insulted by that. It just made him cry harder.

In comes Dr. Richard Ferber. Dr. Ferber is director of sleep disorders at Boston Children's. He has suggested a method called FERBERIZATION.
Ferberization is essentially letting your baby 'cry it out' while checking on him at certain intervals. This guy is a genius! Not for his method of sleep training, but for his marketing skill. He took a theory that has been used probably since the beginning of time, put his name on it and has most likely made millions. Man, why didn't I think of that?

Regardless of the origin, we need to try it on my son. Unfortunately, Chuck has already said he will be spending the week in a hotel when we try this. I predict that it won't be pretty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chuck can stay at the Schwartz's. Juice will love having a bed buddy! :)