Tuesday, October 05, 2010

30 day blog challenge

I came across this cute idea while blog surfing (one of my favorite past times):


The idea is that you blog every day for at least 30 days. The 'Challenge' gives you a different topic to blog about each day.

This should be fun! All my blogging friends, I challenge you to a... er... Challenge?!? Just be sure to send me an email or a comment so that I pay attention to your blog!

30 Day Blog Challenge:

Day 1: your favorite song
Day 2: your favorite movie
Day 3: your favorite TV program
Day 4: your favorite teacher
Day 5: your favorite quote
Day 6: 20 of my favorite things
Day 7: a photo that makes you happy
Day 8: a photo that makes you angry or sad
Day 9: your favorite trip or vacation spot
Day 10: a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11: a photo of you recently
Day 12: Something you are OCD about
Day 13: your favorite fictional book
Day 14: your favorite non-fiction book
Day 15: your favorite meal
Day 16: a song that makes you cry
Day 17: an art piece
Day 18: my wedding
Day 19: a talent of yours
Day 20: a hobby of yours
Day 21: a recipe
Day 22: a website
Day 23: a youtube video
Day 24: where I live
Day 25: your favorite Holiday
Day 26: your week in great detail
Day 27: my worst habit
Day 28: what's in my purse
Day 29: your biggest pet peeve
Day 30 : hopes, dreams and plans for the next year

... wow, I'm pooped. That was too much typing. I think I'll start my challenge tomorrow :) Can't wait to see all of your posts!

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