As Charlie's first birthday approaches, I find myself reflecting on the last year and how different my children are. I don't know if it is the difference between 2 personalities, the first born vs the second born or the differences in the sexes. Charlie has certainly been more of a challenge than Chloe was. He is a ton of fun, but keeps us very busy. He has to be watched at all times. I remember putting a Baby Einstein movie on for Chloe and letting her sit for a 1/2 hour while I did housework. Charlie would be into every cabinet in the living room. He loves to push random buttons on the remote control and call people on the phone. He will come running when he hears the dishwasher open. That is his new favorite place to play. He also is mesmerized by the automatic trash can. I can honestly say that Chloe never played in the garbage or the TOILET! Charlie has a big bruise on his forehead here he dropped the toilet lid on his head. Chloe did her fair share of crying as an infant, which Charlie never did. However, Charlie just screams to get your attention when there is something he wants. Let me tell you, he is loud!
Both of my kids had a knack for putting their mouths all over the shopping carts. That really grosses me out. For Charlie I bought the cart cover to keep him from doing that. He just moves the cart cover off, and then goes to to town. The cold metal must feel good on their gums, but I am tired of the GI bug running through my family.
Chloe was much more verbal than Charlie, also. We are trying some sign language with Charlie because he still doesn't have any words. Charlie, on the other hand, is much more physical. He is taking steps months before Chloe did and has started climbing (and diving) off the furniture.
My kids have provided so much entertainment this last year, it is hard to put it all down in words. They try my patience, teach me about innocence and show me absolute unconditional love. I love you guys!
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