Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Charlie's first year quiz

(answers at the bottom)

1. What was Charlie's weight at birth?
2. Who stayed with Chloe while Charlie was being born?
3. Who are Charlie's Godparents?
4. Who made Charlie's birth announcements?
5. Where was Charlie when he took his first steps?
6. How many times has Charlie been (round trip) on an airplane?
7. Who was Charlie's first babysitter?
8. You get a bunch of hand-me-downs from whom?
9. What is the name of the lady that watches Charlie?
10. What was Charlie for Halloween?
*BONUS* Where did Charlie ring in the New Year?

1. 7 pounds, 7 oz
2. Ann Gulley
3. Josh and Adrianne
4. Amy Schwartz
5. the Bass' house
6. twice (once to Texas, once to South Carolina)
7. Amy Schwartz (3-19-08)
8. Jacob Bass
9. Marilyn Jones
10. dragon
*BONUS* This is a trick question. After celebrating at Mel and Sean's annual party, we were home by 12 (11 central) and Charlie rang in the new year fast asleep in his own bed.

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