Saturday, October 04, 2008


My new arch nemesis! Poor Chloe is on her second round of antibiotic eye drops for the evil Conjunctivitis (pink eye). For anyone who has put eye drops in a 5 year old, it ranks right up there with getting a bikini wax. Not fun! Chloe is tired of waking up with "sand in er eye". Pink eye is a nasty little bug. Her eye is all red and puffy and draining green puss. Nice, huh? Who wants pudding??? I guess we have now infected most of St. Charles county. The first time she was diagnosed (a week ago) we were at Chuck E. Cheese. I wasn't too concerned, though. Chuck E. Cheese is known as the bacteria capital of the kids' world. We don't dare enter without a full container of Lysol wipes. She was on antibiotics over 48 hours, so I sent her back to school. Unfortunately, on Friday she started showing symptoms again. Oops, I guess her entire class should be quarantined now. When I noticed the drainage the second time, we were at IHOP. Yuck, infected pancakes! We then went to get our nails done. I had already promised a pedicure, so I had to oblige. Infected nail polish... the worst! Chloe just doesn't understand why she can't go play at her friends' houses right now. The way this bug keeps coming back, one would think she goes around putting her eyeball on every shopping cart and door handle that she encounters. Hopefully, I won't be blogging about Charlie's pink eye next week.

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