Friday, July 16, 2010

You should never be sick on your vacation

Unfortunately, Chloe started a fever last night. We had spent the day at the pool, so I thought maybe the heat had just gotten to her. She had some Tylenol for dinner and went to bed early. When we woke this morning she complained of a headache and sore throat. Still had a fever. More Tylenol and off to the Mills mall for lunch at Rainforest Cafe. I had some deicious mushroom ravioli in a lobster sauce. Chloe had no appatite :( After lunch, we went back to my sisters for a nap. A nap?!? That's not typical. After she woke up, her fever was back with a vengance. So, we got to visit the local Urgent Care where we got a script for an antibiotic for her STREPT THROAT.

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