Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

So, this morning Charlie had his routine 15 month check at the doctors. I showed him Charlie's funny dots. For those of you who didn't know, I was concerned that he might have a slight case of chicken pox, but turns out that the Dr. thinks they are probably some kind of bug bites. Who has been munching on my baby???

He also noted that Charlie has an ear infection. Really? He acts fine. He eats as much as usual. no fever. Oh well, another round of Amoxicillin.
We then ventured out to our new Super Wal*mart. I am not usually a big fan of Wally World, but I figured I needed to check out the new one. I was surprisingly impressed. The usually crowded, dirty aisles were wide enough for 2 carts to pass each other and the floor was still relatively white. I also was pleased with the unusual ease of parking. I really liked that I could get my grocery shopping done the same place that I bought my paper products and flowers to plant. I just might have a new favorite store.
Later, Chloe and I are going to celebrate Earth day by taking the wagon around our neighborhood and picking up trash. Her idea, NOT MINE! Then we will plant some daises. My idea.
On a more serious note, I have been following a few blogs about families with kids who really need our prayers. It really helps me keep my crazy life in perspective. when I get frustrated with Charlie screaming, I remember to be thankful that he is able to scream and not hooked up to a ventilator with a tube stuffed down his throat. These are some amazing families in very trying situations. Please remember them when you bow your heads tonight....

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