Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Playin' catch (up)

Nothing super exciting has happened in the last couple weeks. I thought I would just catch everyone up on our boring lives, though.

We had Chloe's parent-teacher conference. No surprises. She is doing fine. No, let me brag for a minute... she is doing great! She is reading at a first grade level and goes to another class for advanced readers. She says she is bored in class, so the teacher let her make out "lesson plans" last weekend. We'll see how much of them she can or will follow. Chloe had some good ideas (and some silly ones). We are very proud of her. I hope we can keep her challenged through her school years. She is very creative and energetic, so she doesn't do well sitting behind a desk listening to a teacher lecture.

The little boy next door turned 5. Happy Birthday, Hunter. He had his party at Incredible Pizza. It was incredibly unorganized, but the kids had an incredibly good time. The food was incredibly mediocre. How many more times can I use the word 'incredible'? We decided we need to get the kids together for an incredible evening of Friday Night RAW! Yea Batista!

Chloe also had her valentine party at school. She goes to school with some really cute kids. Or maybe it is just the age. I really have a good time helping in her classroom, though. They passed out their little valentines, ate pizza and played a few games. My Valentine got me flowers and a bottle of Margaritas! Nothin' better. Thank you, dear!

Chloe got fitted for her dance recital costume. they are really cute. It is pink and sequined and has a removable tutu for the ballet dance. It is frilly and girlie and right up Chloe's ally. She is going to have a blast.

Charlie is walking everywhere now. Getting into everything. We went to see the movie 'Dog Hotel'. Charlie and I didn't see much of it because he insisted on climbing up and down the stairs in the theater. The parts we saw looked pretty cute, though. Chloe enjoyed it. I tried again to take him to a restaurant. I keep thinking "this time will be better". Nah, he just doesn't sit in one place long enough to eat a full meal. I guess I have to wait a few more years to take him out. We went to a Chinese buffet Sunday and the old people behind us made some nasty comments and left. I kinda felt bad, but they were not very nice. Apparently they never had kids. Oh well, I'm over it!


Anonymous said...

Uhh, that would be "Hotel for Dogs" NOT "Dog Hotel"......would you say "Instinct Basic"? NO! :)


Anonymous said...

If she was speaking in spanish she would.