Charlie's first Thanksgiving....
Poor Chloe had her first real trip to the nurse's office on Monday. She came home sick for the first time from school. We originally planned to have Turkey Day at our house with Ann, Josh and Adrianne over. Unfortunately, Chuck came home from work sick on Wednesday so we postponed until Saturday. Good thing, because Charlie got sick the same day. As karma would have it, I got the 'bug' on Friday. No festivities at our house. Now what am I going to do with this 7 pound tainted turkey breast? I went ahead and cooked on Thursday, since everything was thawed and ready to go. Charlie ate a little and I made Chloe choke down a bite of everything. Chuck ate a roll and a bite of turkey.
Now, on to our goal of Charlie sleeping in his bed. The score as of today is Charlie 5, mom and dad 0. With everyone being sick this week, it just didn't happen. After day 3, we decided to try again another time.
On Friday (before I got sickie) we went downtown St. Charles for the parade of Santas with Amy and her nieces.